Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The 2nd First Post

Holy disappearing post, Blogger! Last week I had started complementing Blogger for finally having an app, and then it goes ahead and loses that post to the infinite frontiers of cyberspace. So here I am once again posting from the toilet seat. On the throne again. I think i mentioned in the post that mysteriously went missing that i would probably not do a mobile blog, but i guess that's not true. So I apologize to all the people that will not read this. Anyways, I did yoga for the first time ever yesterday. I have to say that yoga is quite amazing. I feel great today, no soreness or anything. I'll most likely be doing yoga each week now which I think will be beneficial.

I'm also quite enjoying cooking for myself now that I no longer have a meal plan. I made some sweet stir fry last night and it was delicious. There are also leftovers for today! I'm planning on learning how to prepare a number of different meals for two reasons: for myself (obviously) and my friend who is studying abroad in Italy this semester. She told me she's not going to be able to go back to the dining hall when she gets back, so she wants to eat with me!

So life is good right now. Classes up to this point are going well and I don't have any professors that I can't stand. I've also been communicating with my friends from back home, which I have been quite bad at the past two years. It's also that time where I need to start looking at potential jobs to apply for! Stay tuned for more news on my entertaining life.

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