Thursday, September 29, 2011

What a Great Day for an Adventure!

Let the adventure begin, I'm on my way into Boston for an interview. I'm at the train station waiting for the train, who would have guessed! I have so much time to kill, and I should probably think about the task ahead of me, but I'm just going to blog instead. Honestly, I hope I just don't get lost once I'm actually in the city.

I started off this glorious day going to 7 a.m. yoga class! Nothing says good morning quite like yoga. I mist say that I feel quite good physically, it relieves some of the tension. Now I'm here, sitting by my lonesome at the train station thinking about how I can make myself sound like an outstanding individual. Holy shit! A train just went by at ludicrous speed!

I'm excited and nervous at the same time right now. I think it will be a good, interesting experience to go into a big city solo, but it's also a bit nerve racking. I just did a little brainstorming about how great I am, that was certainly fun. I guess you can apply a SWOT analysis to yourself, but I'd rather only think of my strengths and forget about the threats for now. I'm nor the only one waiting for the train now!

Well I have reached my destination successfully. Now I wait. I'm glad I actually have time to wait, don't want to be cutting things too close. When I came out of the train station, some guy who was trying to raise money for something called me Donald Trump because I'm dressed nicely. What a clown! But seriously, you can't really expect anything less. Being back in Boston reminds me of a time I was here a few years ago, when I laughed at a homeless man who asked for change. I know, I'm a horrible person, but I'm over it. It was merely a reaction.

What a day! Great experience in the city. Back on the train for a relaxing ride home. Regardless of what comes of today's events it was an absolutely great experience. I got this interview opportunity from a friend of mine from school, so I would like to emphasize how much "it's all about who you know." So make sure you all get friendly with the right people and don't tell me that I don't give my followers splendid advice.

Anyways, I can't wait to get back to my townhouse so I can have some dinner. I'm absolutely starving. I'll probably get back to a sink full of dirty dishes and no clean forks, though. At least I already made a delicious meal the other night, so I can eat it with my hands if I have to. Well, it's time to relax for the rest of this train ride. Keep reading my crap!

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