Thursday, October 6, 2011

I had an idea!

I came up with an idea last night. Good or bad, I can assure you not, but I will certainly receive great entertainment from it. I consider that the only thing that matters anyways. My self-proclaimed wonderful idea is to conduct studies which I will display results and commentary about on my blogs. As an avid anti-Facebook person, the first study I am in the process of completing is a study on my Facebook "friends." I have successfully collected some data on the relationship I have with each one of my "friends." Now I just need to tabulate the results and make some sense of the numbers. I've included a sneak peek picture of the data collection. You might notice the obscene amount if tally marks.

I dislike online social networking sites such as and mainly Facebook because of how people use it. People, at least in my experience, exist superficially on Facebook and everything that people do on the site is absolutely pointless. Basically, I feel like Holden Caulfield every time I go on the site.

I just finished adding up all the tally marks for the experiment last night. Now I just have a few more simple calculations to do and I will be able to start the blog post! I am on the verge of displaying just how much of an asshole I really am!

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