Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Restless in the Night

I've been attempting to fall asleep for the past 45 minutes or so, extremely unsuccessfully I might add. Then I got to thinking about blogging and how I have neglected my mobile blog for months. Shame on me, but at least my phone is readily accessible at my bedside so I can record my thoughts without going to my computer!

I had a test today and that got me thinking, that test, I believe is the last test I will have in my college career during the semester. I am almost positive that the remaining tests are all finals, which get their own special time after the semester is over. That being said, there are only a few weeks left in this semester and I am very happy about that. I am ready to leave this place and take on the next segment of life. I tend to believe that life gets better as it goes on and anyone who disagrees is probably a negative turd. I'm thrilled at the prospect of doing something meaningful that lacks homework. I'm also more than ready to leave the routine that has developed over the last few months, one that involves a great deal of stuff that I am far from interested in, but then again I'm strange. In fact, I'm currently in the process of penning a blog post about how I'm so different and why it's do great! So check in on Sycophantic Laughter for that soon.

I'm not quite sure what will happen after graduation. I am jobless and have no immediate plans to go to grad school or do any type of extended learning. Part of me never wants to go to grad school because it seems like just another way for a corporation to suck money out of people, unless you can go for free of course. However, I would not be able to go for free because I'm behind the curve, as someone once told me. I'm not worried, though, at least not yet. I do know sone undeserving clowns that have garnered jobs already, but there's no sense in getting bitter over that. Instead I would like to focus on the positive things in my life right now.

The sheer fact that I can blog on my phone is extraordinary. I really enjoy blogging because I can let out what's on my mind. Now that I have a relatively steady blog in Sycophantic Laughter that I have been posting to for over a year now, I find it quite enjoyable to go back and look at the posts I have put up. It's almost like a journal of my life because it allows me to remember certain thing that happened and how I was feeling at the time. These types of thoughts have made me wonder, particularly about that question posed to all of is when we are younger. This question is made reference to in the movie Office Space, which is an absolute must see. I guess it's actually not a question, but rather an idea to get you thinking. A career generating tool that has you think about what you would do for free and whatever your answer is describes what you should do for your career. Well, I write for free and enjoy it. However I did not decide to major in English or anything of the sort because I don't enjoy people criticizing my writing technique. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing wrong with it. Everyone has their own unique writing style and who's to judge whether it's right or wrong? We could all learn something from Dr. K about not using shit verbs, but that's a different story.

I'm going to get back to attempting to fall asleep, but this is reassurance that this mobile blog is not dead, so don't stick a fork in it.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I had an idea!

I came up with an idea last night. Good or bad, I can assure you not, but I will certainly receive great entertainment from it. I consider that the only thing that matters anyways. My self-proclaimed wonderful idea is to conduct studies which I will display results and commentary about on my blogs. As an avid anti-Facebook person, the first study I am in the process of completing is a study on my Facebook "friends." I have successfully collected some data on the relationship I have with each one of my "friends." Now I just need to tabulate the results and make some sense of the numbers. I've included a sneak peek picture of the data collection. You might notice the obscene amount if tally marks.

I dislike online social networking sites such as and mainly Facebook because of how people use it. People, at least in my experience, exist superficially on Facebook and everything that people do on the site is absolutely pointless. Basically, I feel like Holden Caulfield every time I go on the site.

I just finished adding up all the tally marks for the experiment last night. Now I just have a few more simple calculations to do and I will be able to start the blog post! I am on the verge of displaying just how much of an asshole I really am!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What a Great Day for an Adventure!

Let the adventure begin, I'm on my way into Boston for an interview. I'm at the train station waiting for the train, who would have guessed! I have so much time to kill, and I should probably think about the task ahead of me, but I'm just going to blog instead. Honestly, I hope I just don't get lost once I'm actually in the city.

I started off this glorious day going to 7 a.m. yoga class! Nothing says good morning quite like yoga. I mist say that I feel quite good physically, it relieves some of the tension. Now I'm here, sitting by my lonesome at the train station thinking about how I can make myself sound like an outstanding individual. Holy shit! A train just went by at ludicrous speed!

I'm excited and nervous at the same time right now. I think it will be a good, interesting experience to go into a big city solo, but it's also a bit nerve racking. I just did a little brainstorming about how great I am, that was certainly fun. I guess you can apply a SWOT analysis to yourself, but I'd rather only think of my strengths and forget about the threats for now. I'm nor the only one waiting for the train now!

Well I have reached my destination successfully. Now I wait. I'm glad I actually have time to wait, don't want to be cutting things too close. When I came out of the train station, some guy who was trying to raise money for something called me Donald Trump because I'm dressed nicely. What a clown! But seriously, you can't really expect anything less. Being back in Boston reminds me of a time I was here a few years ago, when I laughed at a homeless man who asked for change. I know, I'm a horrible person, but I'm over it. It was merely a reaction.

What a day! Great experience in the city. Back on the train for a relaxing ride home. Regardless of what comes of today's events it was an absolutely great experience. I got this interview opportunity from a friend of mine from school, so I would like to emphasize how much "it's all about who you know." So make sure you all get friendly with the right people and don't tell me that I don't give my followers splendid advice.

Anyways, I can't wait to get back to my townhouse so I can have some dinner. I'm absolutely starving. I'll probably get back to a sink full of dirty dishes and no clean forks, though. At least I already made a delicious meal the other night, so I can eat it with my hands if I have to. Well, it's time to relax for the rest of this train ride. Keep reading my crap!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The 2nd First Post

Holy disappearing post, Blogger! Last week I had started complementing Blogger for finally having an app, and then it goes ahead and loses that post to the infinite frontiers of cyberspace. So here I am once again posting from the toilet seat. On the throne again. I think i mentioned in the post that mysteriously went missing that i would probably not do a mobile blog, but i guess that's not true. So I apologize to all the people that will not read this. Anyways, I did yoga for the first time ever yesterday. I have to say that yoga is quite amazing. I feel great today, no soreness or anything. I'll most likely be doing yoga each week now which I think will be beneficial.

I'm also quite enjoying cooking for myself now that I no longer have a meal plan. I made some sweet stir fry last night and it was delicious. There are also leftovers for today! I'm planning on learning how to prepare a number of different meals for two reasons: for myself (obviously) and my friend who is studying abroad in Italy this semester. She told me she's not going to be able to go back to the dining hall when she gets back, so she wants to eat with me!

So life is good right now. Classes up to this point are going well and I don't have any professors that I can't stand. I've also been communicating with my friends from back home, which I have been quite bad at the past two years. It's also that time where I need to start looking at potential jobs to apply for! Stay tuned for more news on my entertaining life.